Why Businesses Must Focus on Improving Their Onboarding Process

Effective onboarding is key to employee happiness and involvement. It’s more than a one-day activity, it’s an ongoing process that helps new hires integrate into your organisation smoothly. With strong onboarding, you can reduce turnover, boost productivity, and ensure new employees feel a greater sense of belonging. A well-executed onboarding process sets the stage for a positive and successful employee experience.

Newbies' Happyness (2 weeks):

Onboarding doesn’t stop after the first day; it’s an ongoing journey. At the 2-week mark, our dialogue helps you understand how your new joinees are settling in. It’s a crucial time to see if their initial experience is aligning with their expectations. Early insights are key to making quick adjustments, ensuring that new employees feel supported and are off to a strong start.

Newbies' Happyness (3 months):

By the 3-month point, your new joinees should be finding their place within the organisation. This dialogue digs deeper into how well they’re adapting to their roles and fitting into your company culture. It’s also a time to evaluate if your organisation’s training and support strategies are on track. By focusing on their integration, you’re helping them become more productive and involved, which benefits everyone.

Newbies' Happyness (6 months):

Even after 6 months, onboarding continues to play a vital role in employee success. This dialogue provides a comprehensive review of how well new joinees have integrated into your organisation. It’s a good time to assess if the job roles and expectations have been met and to gather feedback on how they’re contributing to the company’s goals.

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