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Involvement versus Engagement: Measures to Boost Happiness at work

Involvement and engagement are an integral part of an organisation’s growth. An involved employee plays an active role in the running of the organisation, trying to then bring change by taking up initiatives, actively participate, and take ownership.

Employee engagement is more about accepting the values of the organisation. An engaged employee feels energised and motivated to work towards the vision of the organisation.

An engaged employee focuses more on increasing productivity. Involvement brings about a change in the workplace. Hence, it is crucial to measure involvement as it can provide more thrust to the organisation, while adding more value to the work culture. 

Both employee involvement and engagement can determine happiness at the workplace. It can boost productivity, creativity, and loyalty. An organization should find ways to cultivate these qualities. It enhances performance and commitment towards work.

It is important to involve employees in decision-making and problem-solving, to help build a strong and healthy work culture. Therefore, organisations should foster employee involvement. Participation and engagement in the workplace create productive and creative employees. They feel a sense of belonging and are inclined to stay with the organisation.  

Happiness at work improves employee involvement and engagement. As a result, it nurtures positive feelings towards your work. Involvement contributes ideas – and allows voicing of decisions and actions that brings improvement to the organisation. Involvement brings greater motivation and sense of commitment.  

With better involvement, organisations have seen:

  • Improved employee morale
  • Enhanced employee wellbeing
  • Increased productivity

It has been observed that a low level of involvement can in fact cost an organisation dearly – with higher absenteeism leading to lower profitability and productivity. Hence, employee involvement at the workplace is vital for the fiscal health of the organisation too.  

Strategies to improve employee involvement for better outcomes. Introduce initiatives to boost involvement at the workplace, like:

  • Hosting fun and creative events, with interaction through games too
  • Celebrating peer performance and behaviour
  • Establishing forums for employee feedback
  • Sharing employee knowledge and experience, that could inspire and strengthen the team
  • Conducting surveys to know what employees think and feel about their organization
  • Cultivating personal and professional interests to nurture a sense of belonging

Such creative initiatives spark enthusiasm, making an employee want to show up at work. They create a foundation for strong employee engagement, bringing unity and a sense of connectedness amongst team members. Involvement activities accelerate workflow and productivity.

Emphasising respect and encouraging employees to think holistically are good action strategies. Being a good listener to their concerns and increasing transparency activates better involvement. So, strive to create a flourishing workplace that focuses on embracing good values. These qualities help to manage and positively channel emotions in the workplace.