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Trust means having confidence in the team, driving them to complete their goals, and holding them accountable to maintain a high standard and quality of work. Trust is the glue that binds the leader to her/his followers and leads to organizational and leadership success.

The workplace has two types of trust. They can be defined as ‘practical’ and ‘emotional’:

Practical - This trust is fundamental. Without it, the team has some big problems. It leads to incomplete communication, holding back of knowledge, micro-management, work duplication, missed deadlines, and almost negligible productivity.

Emotional - This trust is slightly more complex and requires more than respect. It can be learned, by improving emotional intelligence – albeit slowly.

Trust is good for self-confidence, morale, and motivation. Trust builds teamwork and collaboration. Trust enhances loyalty and the desire to stay with a company. Trust reduces stress levels and bitterness in the work environment. Employees with trust in their colleagues and leadership tend to be open, honest, empathetic, collaborative, and constructive. This boosts up innovation and productivity. In environments without mutual trust, a person can't depend on others to accept his opinions and value. Without mutual trust, it's very easy for a person's confidence to plummet. They avoid risks and do not express their creativity.

When employees & employers trusty each other, they join hands to work together towards achieving the same ultimate business goals. To have all the employees develop mutual trust, organizations must do a much better job communicating their core company values, mission, and vision to their employees

How to build trust at work

By Credibility

  • Be honest in your interactions and work.
  • Accept when you don’t know something.
  • Agree when you’re wrong.

By being Reliable

  • If agreed by you, do it
  • If you’re responsible for it, do it.
  • Convey your thought process.

By developing Intimacy

  • Make others trust you
  • Involve others in your thought process.
  • Respect the sensitivity of other colleagues.

By Self Orientation

  • Give others a chance to talk
  • Listen with intent
  • Take responsibility for failures

Trust is a very important building block for a safe and productive workplace. It is powerful enough to improve overall employee experience and employee happiness. Organizations need to ensure a trust-based environment for the overall benefit of the employee’s happiness and the organization’s growth.