Wellness is a full integration and the pursuit of continued growth and balance in these seven dimensions--Spiritual, Physical, Emotional/Mental, Career, Intellectual, Environmental, and Social.
Mental health is a state of well-being where one is confident in handling the normal stresses of life, contributes productively to work, and is a member of their community.
Mental health includes various disorders related to anxiety, panic, depression eating, personality, post-traumatic stress, psychotic (including schizophrenia), bipolar as well as obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias.
The Characteristics of Good Mental/Emotional Health include a sense of positive self-esteem, belonging, purpose as well as positive outlook, and autonomy. It is characterized by a person's ability to manage and do functions and activities, including the ability to learn, to feel, express, and manage a range of positive and negative emotions and to form and maintain good relationships with others.
Mental wellbeing at the workplace
Mental health problems impact both employers and businesses directly. Absenteeism is more common, dealing a blow to productivity and profits. In addition, they adversely impact employee morale.
The Ryff Scale mentions six factors on which it is based: autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relations with others, purpose in life, and self-acceptance. Good scores indicate good mental health.
An employee’s mental well-being is a good predictor of how employee job satisfaction. Research has proven employee well-being predicts job attitudes and performance. Employee well-being directly affects productivity and work relationships
Mental health and management go hand in hand. Evidence suggests that workplaces with mentally well employees are more productive. By focusing on wellbeing at work the productivity increases by almost 12%. As per the Origins of Happiness report, eliminating mental health issues such as depression and anxiety possibly increases happiness by 20%, whereas removals of poverty would increase happiness by only 5%.
Following are some ways for the betterment of mental wellbeing in the workplace
- Make it OK for employees to personalize their workspace.
- Give employees the space to work in the way they prefer
- Promote better physical wellbeing.
- Encourage employees to stick to their working hours.
- Make a point of showing appreciation for one another's efforts.
Mental well-being is a very important factor affecting both the employee and the organization. Higher levels of mental well-being result in a happy and productive employee and add to the growth of the organization.