Sam Bishop
I’m an enthusiastic, energetic and vibrant professional with a passion for people. I am not just a driven professional. I’m also personable and empathetic. I have an enormous curiosity about people – about what makes them tick, what makes them think the way they do and what makes them ‘get in the way of themselves’ - holding them back from achieving their potential.
I have experience. I have a host of happy, successful clients ready to vouch for my services. What I don’t have is the answers. What I do have are the tools to help you find those answers – the tools that will set you on the right path towards unlocking your business and personal potential.
Work with me, and you’ll receive focused, personalised support and encouragement. I’ll hold a mirror to your current situation, and I’ll ask you the right questions. I’ll challenge you in a positive and supportive way. In no time, you’ll start to feel the difference.

signature programs
Mindset for Performance
60-90 Minutes
Have you ever wished you could have a mindset for performance? Ever met someone who’s brain seemed to be highly focussed and you wished that you could have one too? Then this session is perfect for you.
In this session Sam will describe how his elite performing clients, from the world of professional sport and business, create mindsets for performance. Sam will share insight into the 3 key elements, focus, energy, commitment, that when combined together, create a mindset of unstoppable performance.
By the end of the session attendees will:
- Have learnt what an “Elite mindset” looks like
- Discovered how they can create a Mindset for Performance
- Learnt the power of a performance mindset
Being your best self
60-90 mins
Have you ever felt frustrated because you know you did not perform at your best? Ever spent time annoyed because you know you have potential that is not being used?
This session/talk is perfect for anyone that knows they can be brilliant, can perform at 100% but feels like they are being held back or blocked from being the best version of themselves.
In this session Sam will explain what happens in our brains that holds us back from being our best self. Sam will describe the blocks that he frequently see’s within his client group of elite professional footballers and how techniques and strategies can overcome them.
Session takeaways:
- How to consistently perform at your very best
- How to access 100% of your potential
- How to overcome the blocks that want to stop you being your best self
Why the WHAT and HOW are not enough to achieve your goals
60-90 Mins
Have you ever set clear goals but not achieved them? Ever spent time working on a business plan or set of ‘next steps’ and not followed them? Do you want to know why you do not complete the actions that you set yourself? Then this workshop is for you.
In this session Sam will explain why people do not achieve their goals, regardless of how SMART or clear the goals are. Sam will explore why our brains knowing WHAT and HOW we should do is not enough to guarantee successful outcomes or completion of goals.
By the end of the session attendees will:
- Have learnt why WHAT, HOW and WHEN are not enough when setting goals
- Developed insight into the power of linking our brains, emotions and behaviours into action
- A GOAL setting technique that will lead to success!
Sam in Action.

Words of recommendation from Sam's happy clients.
Sam is a fantastic facilitator. Not only is he engaging but the knowledge and expertise he exhibits in his presentations are second to none. I felt comfortable knowing our people walked away with additional knowledge and tools thanks to Sam.
Amy C - HR Advisor - MBDA
Sam delivered an excellent virtual session for EY's Community on how we can better control our mindset and emotions, to elevate our wellbeing and performance levels. The session was full of energy and Sam received lots of engagement and questions from participants, which can be quite difficult to achieve with an online session! Sam comes highly recommended and we will not hesitate to use him again for future events.
Scott B - Pastoral Care Manager at EY
Sam delivered a great session to our Sales team on Motivation. His approach was clear and prescriptive, which is very useful as we often understand the why but struggle with the how. I would recommend Sam's sessions as he quickly grasps the audience's needs and tailors a valuable session to the participants.